Furniture To Hide Cat Litter Boxes

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furniture to hide cat litter boxI have to be honest.
The first time I was reading about furniture to hide a cat litter box, I had no idea what it was.
And as always when I get curious I started looking for answers.
What I discovered about cat litter boxes still amazes me.
I had no idea that there were so many cat boxes available.



My first litter box

The first time in my life I had a cat, the litter-box was always an ugly thing that was open and in plain sight.
Years later when I had another cat, I found the ones with the lid on it and that made it all ready somewhat nicer.
However, it was still not the nicest piece in my house and I tried to hide it all the time.
How to hide a cat litter box in any place I could find to get it out of my sight has been on my mind a lot.

  • The kitchen
  • The bath room.

But even with these litter boxes, and at that time they were the best you could get, I was not happy.

One of the reasons was that I lived in a small apartment and had not too much room. The litter box all ways seem to be in the way. I bet my cat at that time was also not happy with it.
Click here to read all our modern cat litter boxes

Recently I have been reading and did research about furniture to hide cat litter boxes.
And I wish I had this option years ago when I had my cats.
The new generation cat owners have the choice to make the cat litter box part of the decorum of the house.
That almost sound too nice to be true, I can hear you say.

To show you that it is a fact I have a picture of one right here.
merry pet cat washroom with stand
Does that look like a litter box?
This looks like a nice piece of furniture that could have a place in my house.
Recently I have seen a corner litter box that will help save floor space also.

Here comes the explanation. Have you heard the popular phrase “think outside the box”? I would like to rephrase that to “Think inside the box”
The litter box is hidden inside this piece of furniture that looks like and actually is, a table.
killing to birds with one stone.

  • Having a nice piece of furniture in our house
  • Having the cat litter box hidden and out of sight
  • giving the cat more privacy to do his thing

Think inside the litter box

cat box open
In this case it is better to think inside the box than outside the box like they always say.
There are many colors and styles available

Bonuses of this new furniture to hide a cat litter box for dog owners.
the best bonus is that it will keep the litter inside the box and not all over the floor.
The next one is that If you have a close look at this cat box furniture, you can see that our cat can get in.
However, your dog will have a hard time getting in.
Think this is a real bonus if you have a dog that likes to get in the litter box.

This is why I like this new furniture to hide a cat litter box.

  • Nice looking piece of furniture
  • Can be really used
  • Hides the litter box
  • gives the cat more privacy
  • Keeps the dog out of the cat box

I can make this list a lot longer, but I think that each and everyone of us can come up with a few more reasons to like this hidden cat box.

Eddie Aiken

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